Thursday, May 27, 2010

We're Working On It

As some of you may remember, I submitted a query for Lottery Odds a while back to Harlequin's HQN publishing line as a contemporary romance. I've gotten a response. The editor liked the premise of the story, but the sticking point right now is that it is a little short... see, the normal HQN romance usually runs at anywhere from 90,000 to 110,000 words. Lottery Odds clocks in at a grand total of:

67,814 words.

So all I have to do is come up with, oh, about 22,000 words and they'd be more than happy to take a look at the manuscript itself.

(pulls on hair, sticks toes in mouth)

Well, nobody ever said this racket was easy, right? Still, PROGRESS! I now have a definite goal to work toward, so once I figure out how to get another seven chapters into the manuscript, I will totally be in business. There is also the option of submitting it to another imprint line of Harlequin that doesn't require such a high word count, so I will check that out as well.

Not a bad notification to get while on vacation, eh?